
Ever struggled to recall a word or concept at the crucial moment? Whether it's during an exam, interview, or casual conversation, forgetting important information is a common frustration. We recognized this widespread problem and wanted to create a solution to aid memory recall.

What it does

demo link : Recapit addresses this challenge by simplifying the process of remembering key information. Users simply select the topics or subjects they want to remember, whether it's interview preparation, hobby-related knowledge, religious texts, or medical terminology. The app then sends reminders in the form of questions, helping users reinforce their learning and retain information more effectively.

This concise version captures the essence of the original text, emphasizing the app's purpose and functionality in aiding memory recall.

How we built it

we Have used React native to build the application and utilized clerk for authentication . backend was managed by convex.

Reaching out to potential prophets

Challenges we ran into

it was very difficult to create wallpaper widgets with the help of react native ,

Accomplishments that we're proud of

Though it was our first project working with convex and react native we have successfully completed the application

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