Inspiration: Inspired by the Rubber Duckies prevalent throughout HackKU, this project was created in order to promote good hygiene practices daily.

Description: The app is supposed to motivate those who struggle in a fun, game-like way. The calendar ideally displays the days you've completed your tasks. The Missions tab gives you the opportunity to check them off. Lastly, Home allows you to see your current streak and increment it. There is no reset in order to really solidify the fact that hygiene is a must that should be performed daily, therefore there is no reason that it should ever reset. In fact, the streak is essentially just how long you've had this silly app downloaded for is you dared to install it.

Challenges: Setting up flutter was very tedious, and at some point we even tried to get a MacOS VM to run in order to have two iPhone simulator's but due to time constraints we settled with one iPhone & an Android emulator. Stylistic choices had to be made in flutter as well that fit due to our entry-level knowledge of the technology. Lastly, the save/load feature and incrementing feature never got fleshed out for the tasks so the streaks is a little inaccurate unless you manually increment it.

Accomplishments: We both gained worthwhile experience with a git workflow and coding in dart! I can see us utilizing this knowledge in the future for sure.

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